Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The fostering: KITTENS!!

Even though I am deathly (might as well be) allergic to cat fur, I always like to keep an eye out and find ways to help out or get my fair share of kittie loving if I can. That's why when I go back to Taiwan, the first thing I do when I walk through the door is hunt down my cat...who is usually hiding in a closet or out sunbathing. And I hug her with both arms outstretched so as to not get any fur in my allergic nostrils.

Now days, I just try to visit friends who have pets or pass the word around between people looking to help foster and people who like animals (and aren't allergic). My friend just received a fresh pair of awesome-ness the other week---fostering kittens! WOOHOO.

I very much feel like a cat aunt in these situations because I always get invited to visit the kittens and play with them--they are adorbs! Baby animals are cute because not only are they just fun to look at, they are so curious about the world around them and they don't realize any danger so they're eager and willing to explore!

They also rarely fight you to be picked up, poked at, petted, having their picture taken, or have you stick them in weird places. It's pretty thrilling to watch a young mind grow--especially when it can barely walk, makes me giddy inside!

<---This is me with kittens, EXCITED!

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