Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The War Dogs: oh-so-brave.

Look at me blogging semi-more-regularly and all that! I think it's because I am in the transition period of "job hasn't started-but school ended" period and I've done all the sitting around I can possibly do before I begin to feel my brain melting slowly into my vertebrae (sorry for the imagery).

Anyways, now day I browse the web a lot, reading different articles and social media, did a lot of thinking and brain archiving to the point where there's times I laugh to myself and cry to myself, and then I've read mucho books to keep me intellectually stimulated and so-on-and-so-forth. The one thing I haven't done that I should do is review material for entrance exams, but that feels so "school" related that it almost hits too close to home to do...yet. Must get into gear soon though.

Anyways, while reading the Times, I found this great article on canines used during the various war fares of mankind. Isn't it weird? We're the ones who create the war and then we try to send these four-legged creatures with heightened senses to detect our own bombs and technology that we created to begin with. Humans are nuts!

Anyways...this was a wonderful and very interesting (because I'm a visual person) picture look through the years of how dogs have been employed (and usually very loved) by their man through the years of war. CLICK ME!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Bad: happens, but for good reason!

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY (1-2 days late) to all the mothers out there. Though most of us don't say it enough or do anything for you enough and sometimes forget to call on weekends when we're know we appreciate and love you.

And in lieu of that...I found this great article that depicts--IN PICTURES--mothers that treat certain babies very poorly. But for goodness sakes, it's for a good reason! Most of the time it boils down to the basic principles of Darwinism: survival of the fittest. Better to have a few healthy, able young than a million weak, unhealthy, unlikely to survive&reproduce later young. Sad, but true.

READ IT. It's entertaining...and weird...and fascinating...and with pictures!!

Which gets me to ask...what do you think would happen if humans each had 10 babies and that was the norm? You think we might begin to eat our young too??