Through my classes on animal behavior...I've learned that dog breeds certainly have changed quite a bit over time, sometimes for the better and sometimes not. We've bred for curlier tails, more crinkled skin, shorter/longer legs, furrier coats...among other strange traits. At the same time, breeders also focus a lot on trying to "keepin' it in the family"...AKA inbreeding winners. Not really something I agree with nor approve of since it can cause a lot of disease and side effects in the health of the

Either way, this show is a big deal, and all the crazy "dog dads" and "dog moms" flock from all around the country to try and get their pooch to the top spot. Anyone ever seen the movie Best In Show?? I imagine that must ring pretty true...although I've never been to one of these myself! They spend tons of $$$ primping and grooming...brushing and conditioning, one might think these dogs are the queen of SOMETHING.
In a way I think it shows a lot of love, these breeders and owners spend a lot of time properly training their animal as well as maintaining good health so as to meet the standards of what the specific breed is supposed to look like--according to the judges anyway.
So take a look at all the purrrty four-legged animals in this year's BEST IN SHOW:)
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