For my first entry of 2010, I'd like to touch on friendships. There are millions of stories where predator and prey become friends, companions, and guides for each other. So why is it so hard for people? Why is there conflict and distrust? If instincts could be trusted and actually applied, we'd be golden! But of course...then we must add higher brain power, cognitive thought and free will. Which leaves humans with more choices and decisions than most animals face in a lifetime and where does it really get us?? Are we better off with this brand or that brand? with this color or that color? What have we forgotten along the way? simplicity at its best, because when we don't try or expect it, wonderful things are allowed to happen on their own. naturally.

We've seen photos of mother lions caring for piglets, deer and bunnies never leaving each others' side---take it from those who know how to trust instincts and simply give back and pay it forward.
So for 2010...when I will be at the fork of life, one of my strongest resolutions is be true and good to those who are good to me and pay it forward. Because there's not enough time to be anything else.
Gosh, I've read this literally a thousand times. It's still as archiving silence-inducing as the very first time.