While browsing facebook, one of my friends linked an interesting story that I thought I'd share with you guys. It's the most fantastical, yet weirdly minute story: the story of Koda.
Koda is an American Miniature horse who also happened to be born a dwarf. What this means is that on top of the already small stature on the breed, Koda is actually a "mini-mini horse." Size extra small please!
Normal American Miniatures cannot exceed 34 inches to be considered a full American Miniature. Now compare this to Koda who is a whopping 59cm tall (roughly 23 inches) in fact, Koda is often mistaken as a robotic, stuffed animal horse...strange!
Veterinarians were orginially going to euthenize Koda, as the hose has nurmous health issues includding a jaw too small for all its teeth and extensive leg problems...all of which need surgical measures to correct. However, the veterinary technician on hand felt for the little guy and decided to give him a fight chance! (woohoo, yay Koda!)

Now days Koda is enjoying the life of a full time pet and gets to relax with a companion closer to its own size: the veterinary cat :)
To read for yourself, this cute little article on the tinnnny horse, click here.
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