While hopping around my tumblr blog, I saw a link which led to an article titles "
The Truth Behind 5 'real' Monsters that fooled the Internet." And it turns out that the myths addressed are actually ones that I've heard of before. Now days technology does wonders, especially with the advancement in photoshopping. Combine that with the witty, selfish, lying man...and what do you get??
1. The Montauk Monster Carcass: originally a monster that looks similar to Japan's water monster+monk, it became quite interesting when a "carcus" rolled onto shore and had people claiming it as the Montauk Monster.
---> Answer: simply a decomposing racoon which had lost all its fur from being in water (kind of YUCK when you get the image in your head!!)

2. The Moscow Monster: legend of a while meets the dinosaur long neck. When a decomposing carcus found near the sea seemed to have the exact head shape of the Moscow Monster, it got people talking
---> Answer: decomposing baluga whale! (strange how decomposition is misleading)

3. The "Chupacabra": Kind of the description of a wolf with a long, narrow snout, or a large coyote which also supposedly have some strange traits of a reptile. Also suppose to suck blood out of innocent animals and children around the globe.
---> Answer: hybrid coyote or coyote with bad, BAD skin disease.

4. Body of Bigfoot: Bigfoot is LEGENDARY, however, no one ever found a carcus of it...UNTIL noooow. (say whaaaa??)
--->Anwser: two police officers (who are supposed to be upholding honor, trust etc.) Actually bought a costume...then stuffed it, and including some guts!! genius~

5. The SewerCam Creature: a "creature" filled with goo and dripping weird wetness that looks as though it will eat you alive!
--->Answer: tubifex worms, aka sewage worms...are organisms who eat sediments, and actually started to coil around each other, creating a globe like "slime creature."
to read the whole article and see all its wonderful pictures, click