I'm currently watching Animal Planet's show "50 Outrageous animal facts" and I've decided to share a couple of the facts because really...they are SO weird. The animal kingdom never ceases to amaze me, nature's truly talented!!
- A manatee (also known as the mermaid) sleeps in between breaths, making their full sleep time...actually only about 20mins.
- Dolphins sleep with only half of their brain at a time...which sort of explains why they're always on the go and active, crazy lil buggers!
- Mudskippers can actually climb trees even though, like their name, they are normally found in muddy, swamp areas.
- Octopus live longer without their sex organs
- Killifish usually mate in small pools of water, then the female will hatch eggs...and die afterwards because the small pool of water dries up. THE STRANGE PART is that even if you leave the mama female in a normal fish tank with enough water, after she hatches her eggs...she dies anyways =/
- An average of 10 people are killed each year by sharks...
- ...this compared to COWS who kill 100x more people on average per year. (yeah, that's right...fix those stereotypes!)
- As many as 4 million prairie dogs can live in ONE colony.
- Insects have roughly 740,000 different species.
female cattle in particular?!