Thursday, April 9, 2009

first paw printings...the intro.

I've come to the blogging world as part of the stepping stone to my eventual dream career, which will follow something like Rachel Ray's from the Food Network. Except I'm about animals.

I'm about the daily happenings, the local stories, the misconceptions, the cute, the ugly, the strange, the cool. The love. I hope that sooner or later the things I blog about will change the life of some animal out there. My goal is to save wildlife, reduce abandonment of domestic pets and raising awareness in the general public...all while still learning things myself.

I'm not part of PETA or any other animal welfare organization, but I do care. I am a junior in college and I'm 21 and I care. So join me!!

1 comment:

  1. I care, too! Nice work, Ms. AYang! Your blog is lovely! Go you.
