Monday, May 24, 2010

The Oil: Man's Stupidity

I forgot my user name and password (again) but then rediscovered it (again!)

So I found this really great photo article on the recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. It's now been an on going spilling and cleaning process for over a month, but the damage can't seem to be repaired. The Deepwater Horizon oil rig killed 11 people and continues to expand and pollute all nearby waters and wildlife. Scientists now fear that it may catch the ocean's current and spread even further than before. Here is the link to the article for more images. These are a few of the amazing and chilling pictures:

This next one is far more sad than anything else because it's before these animals even have a chance. The eggs are clearly covered in what appears to be oil. It's incredibly sad to think that the first glimpse of the world that these chicks will see is a polluted world.

5 ways you can help!!!

1. Report Injured Wildlife

oiled wildlife:
1-866-557-1401 (Leave a message; they will be checked hourly.)2. Volunteer

Tristate Bird Rescue & Research is coordinating on-the-ground volunteer efforts. Several other groups are helping to organize volunteers to help cleanse birds and otherwise protect both wildlife and human populations along the Gulf Coast. Our favorite (since we just handed its president John Flicker a 2010 Heart of Green Award) is The National Audubon Society, which is helping connect volunteers with the best government or non-profit agency doing work related to the oil spill response. (But there are many many many others.) The government also has a volunteer hotline at 1-866-448-5816.